
  • Thanks to the acoustoelectric effect, we have demonstrated how non-Hermitian skin effect breaks the principle of bulk-edge correspondence in piezoelectric solids. It’s surprising to see the in-gap edge states appearing fully delocalized with proper losses.


Dr. Gao has keen interest in wave mechanics and engineering, in particular the interdisciplinary frontiers of phononic crystals, acoustic/mechanical metamaterials and topological insulators. By using numerical, experimental, and theoretical approaches, Dr. Gao and his collaborators intend to explore novel acoustical and mechanical phenomena in man-made metamaterials and structures, and further promote the possible applications for efficient noise control, vibration shielding, signal processing, integrated phononics and others.

Postdoctoral Positions



  • 智能材料与结构振动噪声主被动控制
  • 动力学/固体力学/声学/流固耦合动力学理论
  • 超材料/结构与波动调控
  • 结构振动、声学、隔热一体化理论与设计
  • 机械系统可靠性
  • 机械系统动力学设计与控制


  • 身心健康,年龄不超过35周岁;
  • 已获得或即将获得力学、材料或物理学(声学)相关专业的博士学位;
  • 具有良好的英文读写能力,熟练阅读英文文献;
  • 掌握主要的CAE分析软件;
  • 具有严谨学术态度,敬业精神,团队合作意识和沟通协调能力。


  • 参与课题组或独立承担研究项目;
  • 发表高水平学术论文;
  • 独立/协助申报各类科研项目;
  • 协助指导本科生/研究生工作和实验室日常管理。


  1. 提供良好的科研条件和充足稳定的经费支持;
  2. 年薪不低于30万元(税前),具体额度由导师及本人协商确定。支持博士后在站期间申请国家和上海市的相关博士后人才计划,获资助者就高享受相关待遇;
  3. 按照上海市和上海交通大学博士后管理政策办理有关落户事宜,享受社会保险、公积金等福利待遇;博士后出站留上海工作,配偶及子女可随迁落户;
  4. 在站期间全职从事博士后研究,博士后研究工作满3年且取得优秀科研成果、满足我校长聘教轨要求者,通过评估后可获聘长聘教轨教职。


  1. 有意者请将详细的个人简历(包括教育背景、工作经历、成果情况及联系方式)发送至联系人邮箱,邮件标题注明“博士后应聘+本人姓名+毕业院校”;
  2. 通过电话或者电子邮件沟通后,研究团队邀请应聘者面谈。

            联系人:瞿老师,邮箱:[email protected]


Recent Publications

Zhiwang Zhang†, Penglin Gao†, Wenjie Liu†, Zichong Yue, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, Johan Christensen*. “Structured sonic tube with carbon nanotube-like topological edge states.Nature Communications, 2022, 13: 5096.

José Sánchez-Dehesa*, Penglin Gao, Francisco Cervera, Alberto Broatch, Jorge García-Tíscar, Andrés Felgueroso. “Experimental evidence of the Poisson-like effect for flexural waves in thin metallic plates.Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 120(9): 094102. Editor’s Pick

Zhihui Wen, Yabin Jin*, Penglin Gao*, Xiaoying Zhuang, Timon Rabczuk, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani. “Topological cavities in phononic plates for robust energy harvesting.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 162: 108047.

Zhenqian Xiao†, Penglin Gao†, Dongwei Wang, Xiao He*, Linzhi Wu*. “Ventilated metamaterials for broadband sound insulation and tunable transmission at low frequency.Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021, 46: 101348. 

Penglin Gao and Johan Christensen*. “Topological vortices for sound and light.” Nature Nanotechnology (2021).

Penglin Gao*, Morten Willatzen, and Johan Christensen*. “Anomalous topological edge states in non-Hermitian piezophononic media.” Physical Review Letters 125: 206402 (2020).

Penglin Gao* and Johan Christensen*. “Topological sound pumping of zero-dimensional bound states.” Advanced Quantum Technologies 3: 2000065 (2020). Cover story

Morten Willatzen*, Penglin Gao, Johan Christensen and Zhonglin Wang. “Acoustic gain in solids due to piezoelectricity, flexoelectricity, and electrostriction.” Advanced Functional Materials 30: 2003503 (2020).